work platforms stabimat
work platforms

Work platforms for machine tools

Machine platforms for work stations - supplementary information

The rules of safe use of platforms

Following the rules below will allow the user to reduce and minimize the risks associated with the use of landings:

  • The entire platform should be stably placed in a working position on an even surface or sub-floor
  • Persons working on the platform should use protective footwear with non-slip, carved sole
  • Safety regulations require that when working on a platform equipped with a platform, the platform lighting should be provided
  • Do not exceed the loading of the platform above the limit values. Next to the platform, in a clearly visible place, you must put information about the permissible payload
  • Every day, before starting work on the platform, an overall visual assessment of the platform's condition should be made, paying particular attention to the evenness of the platform surface and pollution on the surface, and any noticed irregularities and damage should be removed immediately. The use of platforms showing irregularities or damage poses a danger at the workplace
  • Contaminants must be prevented from accumulating on the work platform. The handling shoes and platform surface must not be contaminated with mud, oil, dust, grease or other slippery substances. Remove any contamination from the platform and shoes on a regular basis. Also, remember to clean the space under the platform
  • It is not allowed to drive the transport trolleys onto the platform
  • Persons using platforms (machine operators) should be trained in the principles and recommendations for safe use and maintenance